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- International Department
July 12, 2019
Nosebleeds can be worrying. The same happens if you see blood after coughing, in your eyes, in your urine or even in your feces. It is certainly a sign that cannot go unnoticed
According to Eddy Manrique, Hematologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma, in most cases the cause is harmless. However, it is important to see the doctor to rule out a serious condition
The specialist explains the possible reasons why we may see blood in different parts of our body:
Due to the number of capillary vessels (thin veins). A punch or a sudden action in this area, such as sneezing, can cause extensive bleeding. If this happens often or there is pain, it is best to cauterize
Blood in the urine is called hematuria. It can be a symptom of urinary tract infections, kidney cysts, kidney stones, problems with the prostate, and can occur after a blow to the kidney area
If you see a red spot of blood on the sclera (the white part of the eye) this may be due to the rupture of an eye vein especially after rubbing the eyes too hard or pollution irritation
Puede ser por una inflamación de encía o garganta. Pero si la sangre es acompañada con una tos constante puede tratarse de un caso de TBC o de alguna neoplasia como cáncer de pulmón
The presence of blood in feces may be due to irritation during a bowel movement, as a result of pushing hard, ulcer, hemorrhoids or a tumor in the bowels. It also alerts for a not-necessarily malignant neoplasm
Dr. Eddy Manrique
Hematologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma