To obtain the approval of a clinical study, a pharmaceutical company must send to the national health authorities the “study protocol” in which all the details of the study are described. This protocol is reviewed by health authorities and also by an ethics committee, whose function is to evaluate all aspects related to the dignity, rights, safety and welfare of people who participate in medical research. If the health authorities and the ethics committee do not approve the protocol, then the study can not be initiated. Any change in the protocol must also be approved by the ethics committee
An ethics committee must have at least 5 members and is made up of health professionals and community representatives
The World Medical Association has developed the “Declaration of Helsinki”, which establishes the ethical standards for research with human beings, human material or identifiable data. Researchers will declare that their clinical study protocol has been developed in accordance with these ethical principles. Moreover, regulatory agencies of countries such as the National Institute of Health in Peru, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States, the Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), as well as several legislative texts at European Union level have very specific rules established to protect patients who participate in clinical studies