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- International Department
November 10, 2021
“The care of a premature newborn must be carried out in a specialized medical area. At Clinica Ricardo Palma we have a team of neonatologists and specialist nurses, as well as a fully equipped neonatal intensive care environment to attend to and deal with eventual complications inherent to a premature newborn ”, says Dr. Jessica Alvarez, pediatrician at our clinic.
When a baby is considered premature?
A baby whose birth occurs before 37 weeks.
Why is a baby born early?
It can be due to many factors, including: twin pregnancies, history of preterm birth, maternal urinary tract infection, blood pressure problems (pre-eclampsia or eclampsia), changes in the placenta such as placenta previa, diabetes, severe anemia, among others.
What kinds of complications can occur?
While fewer weeks of gestational age and less weight the baby has, the possibilities that complications may occur increase, especially pulmonary immaturity, heart problems such as persistence of the ductus arteriosus, intraventricular hemorrhages, problems in temperature regulation, among others.
When is a premature baby discharged and how often should you go for check-ups?
The baby will be able to go home when he gains weight (minimum 1800 grams), the oral route is well tolerated and the mother is able to provide the special care that he requires. The first check-up should take place between 48 and 72 hours after discharge, then they will be weekly, biweekly and, finally, monthly until the first year of age. According to each case, the pediatrician will indicate if the baby will require a reevaluation by other medical sub-specialties.
Some recommendations to reduce the risk of preterm birth:
Avoid pregnancy at a very early or very late age, eat in a balanced way, maintain a healthy weight, attend medical check-ups, avoid vaginal infections, do not smoke or drink alcohol, control chronic underlying diseases and follow the instructions of the treating doctor.
Dr. Jessica Alvarez
Pediatrician at Clínica Ricardo Palma