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- International Department
January 13, 2021
Antonella Galli, Psychologist of our clinic and author of the book “Se Feliz”, explains relevant aspects about this disorder that affects our mental health.
During the pandemic, many people have become aware of the importance of taking care of mental health. Cases of depression have increased considerably since the appearance of COVID-19. No less should be expected. These have been difficult times. We have experienced a wide variety of emotions. Everything has changed. From the way of relating to each other to the way of working.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 350 million people suffer from depression. This pathology can greatly affect the quality of life of people who suffer from it. However, if it is treated on time and efficiently it has a good prognosis. Herein lies the importance of seeking professional help promptly.
According to the behavioral theory, this mental disorder occurs when people have a loss of reinforcers. The state of health emergency that we are facing over the last year has made us live in very complex situations: loss of family members, not being able to hug our loved ones, no face-to-face social life, long working hours, and cutting of rest hours, among others. The new reality has affected the emotional health of adults and children.
In this regard, our specialist cites a study from Harvard University suggesting that between 70% and 90% of pathologies are induced or worsened by stress.
“When you get sick, an inflammatory process occurs in the body. This translates into exhaustion, tiredness, boredom, and a desire to be alone in bed. If we stay in this state for a long period, the brain ends up inflaming and we become depressed. We feel bad, disinterested, apathetic, and lose our taste for things. Also, we become more irritable, anxious, and sensitive”, says Galli.
She adds that, according to Aaron Beck, father of cognitive-behavioral therapy, depression distorts the way of thinking in three aspects: about oneself (self-reproach, loss of confidence and self-esteem), about others (resentment returns towards third parties), and about the future (I do not see it or I see it uncertain). In other words, we think more exaggeratedly and not according to reality.
Different levels
Depression can be mild, moderate, or severe. Its initial stage allows to carry out all the daily activities, but without the same pleasure as always. In these cases, it is recommended to complement the daily routine with physical exercises, make zoom meetings with friends and practice some relaxation and meditation exercise before sleeping. Practicing mindfulness during the day can also be very helpful. This variety of exercises and thoughts not only relaxes and reduces stress; they also improve the ability to concentrate, attention, and pleasure. Having a pet, taking it for a walk, and maintaining contact with nature are other options to overcome feelings of melancholy and nostalgia. Along these lines, the psychiatrist Enrique Galli recommends taking Omega 3 fatty acids (with the sum of 1000 EPA) that have a beneficial effect to deflate the brain. When depression affects performance at school or work and/or there are thoughts of wanting to disappear, a psychiatrist should be consulted so that the appropriate medicine is prescribed to overcome the condition.
Support network
Since the depressed person has little will, a family member must commit to supporting him/her during treatment. This means verifying that he/she attends virtual or face-to-face consultations and takes medications. It is also good to go with him/her for a walk, exercise, and meditate.
During treatment, the support network must understand and not take personally what the patient may say in the recovery process; since his/her condition tends to distort reality.
The companion must have his/her own space to carry out activities that give him/her well-being and recharge.
Dra. Antonella Galli
Psychologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma