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- International Department
October 06, 2021
“A physical or clinical examination is sufficient to diagnose flat feet. Although the current literature recommends other tests such as radiography, tomography and even magnetic resonance imaging to rule out, for example, coalitions, one of the causes of rigid and painful flat feet”, says Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez, traumatologist at our clinic.
What are flat feet?
It is a common condition that manifests itself when the inner arch of the foot is flattened, causing the entire plant to touch the ground when the child is standing.
How can we tell if our children have flat feet?
Observation of the feet is important as part of the physical examination, evaluating the child sitting, standing, and walking with or without regular footwear. Their walk is similar to that of bears, which fully support the sole of the foot to walk, leaning forward.
Are there symptoms that can be associated with flat feet?
In general, there are usually no symptoms. However, some children may experience foot pain, mainly in the heel or inner arch of the foot, pain that can intensify with physical activity.
What are the possible treatments for flat feet?
General recommendations of the specialist for parents:
Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez
Traumatologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma