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- Av. Javier Prado Este 1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú
- International Department
April 13, 2021
What are its signs and what can I do to help my child?
At Clinica Ricardo Palma we have the specialties required to provide multidisciplinary Asperger management, such as pediatric neurology, child psychiatry, psychology and rehabilitation, mainly in the area of language, behavioral and emotional management, as well as providing guidelines to patients.
“In a pandemic, consultations to treat this condition have increased due to the depression and frustration that patients experience because they do not enter classes or turn off their cameras, precisely because they prefer to be alone, which generates rejection in their peers and questioning family “says Dr. Pamela Muñoz, pediatric neurologist at our clinic.
What is Asperger’s Syndrome?
According to the WHO, Asperger’s Syndrome is recognized as a pervasive disorder of childhood development and related to autism. It is estimated that it affects 3 to 7 per 1000 children. Asperger’s develops in the first years of life and many families do not even notice it until the child enters school.
What characteristics does a child with Asperger’s have?
How can I help my child?
In the event of presenting an associated medical condition, such as epilepsy, the treating physician may order auxiliary neurological examinations (electroencephalogram, magnetic resonance, etc.) which are also performed at our headquarters.
Dr. Pamela Muñoz
Pediatric neurologist at Clinica Ricardo Palma