National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19
The Government of Peru, through the Ministry of Health (Minsa), has prepared a Voluntary Vaccination Plan against COVID-19; Minsa will immunize 22.2 million people, according to the availability of vaccines and prioritizing the population at risk, in order to protect the population from COVID-19, reducing the risk of seriously ill and/or fatally ill.
Who will be vaccinated?
Vaccines will arrive in our country progressively, which is why a specific order has been established for the vaccination of the population, taking into account ethical criteria, the risk of serious disease and the risk of exposure.
Phases of vaccination
First phase
Any person who provides services, regardless of the nature of their employment or contractual relationship, in the different areas of the Health sector.
Personnel of the Armed Forces and Police Forces, Firefighters, Red Cross, security personnel, Serenazgo, brigade members, cleaning personnel, medical students and members of polling stations.
Second phase
Adults aged 60 years and over, people with comorbidity, population of native or indigenous communities, INPE personnel and people in jails.
Third phase
People ages 18 to 59 will be vaccinated.
What vaccine will be applied?
In this first phase, the Sinopharm laboratory vaccine will be applied, which has emergency approval and is an inactive version of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
How effective is the vaccine?
According to phase III studies carried out with the Sinopharm vaccine, the efficacy is 79.34%
The vaccine provokes an immune response in the body and was made under the same production process as vaccines that are applied in the National Vaccination Scheme of Peru.
Dose: To be protected it is necessary to apply 2 doses, with an interval of 21 days.
What are the possible side effects?
No severe adverse reactions have been observed with the Sinopharmvaccine, only some mild side effects that may occur such as: pain, slight swelling or redness at the site of application.
Some reactions have also been reported, such as headache, malaise, muscle pain, or fatigue.
In all cases, the reactions are not permanent and resolve or pass quickly.
If I get the vaccine, will I be able to return to “normality”?
After vaccination, preventive measures such as the use of a mask, hand washing, physical distancing and avoiding crowds should continue to be maintained.
If I have a reaction to the vaccine, what should I do?
Go to a nearest health facility or call Line 113.
Source: MINSA