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This chronic disease has no cure, but it can be controlled very well with medication.
At some point and for various reasons, we may feel fatigue, weight loss and excessive sweating, but when these symptoms come together we could be facing a case of hyperthyroidism. This disease is caused by the excessive production of hormones by the thyroid. It usually occurs after the age of 30 and is more frequent in women than in men.
“People who have hand tremor, excessive sweating, irritability and weight loss without apparent cause should go to the doctor because these are some of the symptoms that cause hyperthyroidism,” explains Jesus Rocca, endocrinologist at the Ricardo Palma Clinic.
Other symptoms
In addition to the aforementioned warning signs, they also present nervousness, anxiety, increase in the number of bowel movements and high blood pressure. “If you also have sleep disturbances, bulging eyes, difficulty concentrating or to gain weight, go to the doctor to rule out this condition,” advises the specialist.
Know the causes of this disorder
Many diseases and conditions can cause hypothyroidism without you noticing. Take note. “In most cases the cause of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune disease called Graves Basedow, but it can also occur due to inflammation of the thyroid, by consumption of excess thyroid hormones or by thyroid modules (small tumors in the neck),” he warns. Rocca.
Also by having tumors in the testes or ovaries, although it is rare and by overeating foods or medications that contain high levels of iodine. In rare cases, the cause could even be a benign tumor (not cancerous) in the pituitary gland.
Complications of hyperthyroidism
This disease can be controlled with antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine or surgery. But if there is no treatment it could generate complications such as infertility or thyroid cancer, but detected in time allows the patient to have a good quality of life. Another complication is heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias and osteoporosis. Of course, this disease can not be prevented but predicted by risk factors such as having a family or personal history of autoimmune diseases (such as vitiligo and lupus). In those cases, they increase the possibility of having this disorder.
Dr. Jesús Rocca
Endocrinologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma