Acceptable Use Policies

The Ricardo Palma Clinic® website (, as well as all the pages included therein, belong to the Ricardo Palma Clínic’s Management Department (hereinafter CRP, in its Spanish acronym) and are protected by international treaties and applicable laws on intellectual property and copyright

1. Purpose

The purpose of this acceptable use policy is to regulate the relationship between visitors and registered users for the health information and consultation service offered by the CRP, through the pages under the domain

2. Use and restrictions

The use of “The Ricardo Palma Clinic’s website” (hereinafter “The CRP website”) expresses the full and unreserved adhesion of the user to this policy. Through “The CRP website”, the user accesses and / or uses several “Services and Content”, made available to CRP users, and / or by third party service and content providers

CRP, shall have the right to deny, restrict or condition the user access to “The CRP website”, in whole or in part, in its sole discretion

CRP, does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of “The CRP website” and the “Services and contents”, nor the usefulness of “The CRP website” or the “Services and contents” in relation to any specific activity

CRP will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any nature that may be caused due to lack of availability or continuity of operation “The CRP website” and / or the “Services and contents”

3. Intellectual property

Intellectual property rights with respect to the “Services and contents” and the distinctive signs and domains of “The CRP website”, as well as the rights of use and exploitation of the content and information, as well as, the graphic design , images, sounds, indexes and source codes in HTML, JavaScript, or other similar or similar languages, are the exclusive property of CRP, which reserves all exploitation rights, with the sole exception of articles and opinions, published in “The CRP website” that are the property of each individual author, in those cases their authorship will be manifested in the copyright and copyright note

It is forbidden the reproduction, retransmission, copy, assignment, broadcasting or similar, total or partial information contained “CRP website”, whatever its purpose and the means used to achieve it, without the express authorization of CRP: Ricardo Palma Clinic®, except exclusively for the private use of users, in any case must respect the author maintaining the copyright and copyright note. It is also forbidden any commercial or economic reproduction of any of the texts, images or materials of any kind found in “The CRP website”, without prior consent of the author or CRP

In any case, the copyright and copyright note and the Policies stipulated herewith shall be respected, since breaching them may entail the application of the sanctions established in the penal code, the copyright law, the industrial property law and the Consumer Protection Office, and others

The user does not acquire any intellectual property right for the simple use of the “Services and contents” of “The CRP website” and at no time will such use be considered as an authorization or license to use the “Services and contents” for purposes different from those contemplated in the present terms and conditions related to service, content, privacy statement and personal use agreement of the knowledge notes

4. Intellectual property of third parties

The user agrees that the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 above regarding to the ownership of the CRP’s rights, are also applicable to the rights of third parties with respect to the “Services and contents” of the pages linked to “The website CRP”

5. Permitted Uses

The use of “Services and contents” of “The CRP website” is the sole responsibility of user, who in any case must use them according to the functionalities allowed in the web page itself and to the uses authorized in this usage policy, for which the user undertakes to use them in such a way that they do not violate the usage regulations and coexistence on the Internet, the laws of the Republic of Peru and the legislation in force in the country in which the user is using them, the good customs, the dignity of human rights and the rights of third parties. “The CRP website” is for personal and user usage, so you will not be able to market the “Services and contents” in any way

Personal use and non-commercial use Limitation

Unless otherwise specified, the services are for personal, non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, use, reproduce, publish, grant permissions, create derivative works of, transfer or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the contents and services

Specific warning about documents available through this web page

Permission to use personal documents (such as knowledge notes, white papers (studies), press releases, spreadsheets and frequently asked questions, blog and other similar ones) of the services is granted, as long as:

  • The copyright and copyright warning below appears on all copies and both the copyright notice and this permission warning appear
  • The use of such documents of the services is for informal, non-commercial or personal use only and will not be copied or made available in any network computer or station in any means of communication, and
  • No modifications are made to any document

6. Prohibitions

The user does not have the right to place hyperlinks from/to “The CRP website”, nor the right to place or use the “Services and Contents” of the Site in their own or third party sites or pages without prior written authorization from CRP. In this sense, the user will not have the right to limit or prevent any other user from using “The CRP website”


7. Quality of the “Services and contents”

Neither your suppliers nor business partners will be responsible for any damage or injury suffered by the user as a result of technical, editorial, typographical errors and changes or improvements made periodically to the “Services and content” Nor will he be responsible for the outdated data

CRP is excluded from any liability, for damages of any kind that may be due to the existence of viruses in the computer system, electronic documents or files of users. Similarly, by the presence of viruses in the services provided by third parties through “The CRP website”, causing alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or user´s files

The recommendations and advice obtained through “The CRP website” are of a general nature, serve as a source of information and not as an illustration of the proper or inadequate management of a given situation, so they should not be taken into account in the adoption of personal decisions. For this you should consult an appropriate professional who can advise the user according to their specific needs. The application, use or interpretation of any advice or opinion published on or through “The CRP website is under the absolute responsibility of the user”

8. Third parties Website linked Goods and services

Regarding the “Services and content” provided by third parties within or through links to “The CRP website” (such as hyperlinks, banners and buttons), CRP is exclusively limited, for the convenience of the user, to:

  • Inform the user about them, and
  • To provide a means to put the user in contact with suppliers

The products and / or services that are commercialized in “The CRP website” and / or linked to third-party sites are provided by independent merchants to CRP. CRP is not and cannot be considered as a supplier of the goods and / or services that are offered on those pages and / or sites. The inclusion of said pages and / or links does not imply the approval, endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation or guarantee, by CRP, of those services and goods that are commercialized in such pages and links or the content of said web pages. There is no type of employment relationship, association or partnership, between CRP and said third parties. All advice, call, declaration, information and content of the linked third-party pages or within the Portal represent the opinions and judgments of said third party. Consequently, CRP will not be responsible for any damage or harm suffered by the user as a result thereof, including, but not limited to, damages caused by the loss of data or programs

9. Privacy and protection of personal information

See the privacy statements that relate to obtaining and using your information

Based on the provisions of Legislative Decree 822 – Copyright and Legislative Law and the Decree 823, Industrial Property Law, the managers state that, the general characteristics for technical elements used provide security and confidentiality in the operation of “The CRP website”

10. Cookies

The user who has access to “The CRP website” as a registered user, agrees to receive the cookies transmitted to them by the CRP servers. “Cookie” means a data file that is stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer when it has access to “The CRP website”. Cookies may contain information such as the identification provided by the user or information to track the pages that the user has visited. A cookie cannot read the data or information on the user’s hard drive or read cookies created by other sites or pages

11. Password and personal account

You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account. You agree to notify CRP, immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or security breach. CRP will not be responsible for any loss that you have incurred as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you can be held liable for losses incurred by CRP or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You must not use another person’s account at any time, without the permission of the account’s owner

12. Modifications

Ricardo Palma Clinic® will have the right to modify the use and privacy policies at any time and without prior notice. When updated, the “last updated” date at the top of this document will also be changed. Likewise, it reserves the right to modify, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and layout of “The CRP website”

13. Communications and notifications

All communications and / or notifications related to these terms and conditions of service, content, privacy statement and personal use agreement of the knowledge notes, or with any query about access, use and interaction related web pages, must be made in writing to the administrators to the following address: and / or Javier Prado Este Avenue 1066 – Corpac – 15036 Peru. This email address is protected against spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it, or through your legal representatives

The operations and communications made between any person and the administrators, will only fully take effect, if the acknowledgments are received, both the offer and the respective acceptance, which must be sent no later than 48 hours following the message reception

14. Applicable laws and jurisdiction

For the interpretation, compliance and execution of these terms and conditions of service, content, privacy statement and personal use agreement of the knowledge notes, the parties agree that the laws of the Republic of Peru will be applicable, expressly waiving to any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may correspond to them by virtue of their nationality, their present or future addresses or any other circumstance

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